Friday, April 3, 2009

Hollywood Studios!

Look at all of us who were brave enough to take on the Tower of Terror! Well, all but Katy...she was too busy rockin' it out on Rockin' Roller Coaster. The girl who "hates roller coasters" rode this one twice and also adored Space Mountain at Magic Kingdom. Who knows what she'll do next?
Here we are waiting to see Muppet Vision 3-D.
And some pics from the Beauty and the Beast stage show. It was fabulous as always!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Don't have lots of pics from Epcot, so I'll try to get more from the moms later!
Here we're in Morrocco! Aladdin was absent, so we took his place.

Oh! And here's our gift from Disney! Cute, huh?
Danielle, of course!
Miss Melanie is the Queen! Hooray!
And KaLee is a...???
When we visited Epcot, they were having their Flower and Garden Festival, so they had lots of topiary sculptures that were just awesome!

All were super-tired, so here's us heading out to go back to the hotel for a swim!
...and simply for your viewing pleasure...